Hassall Grove Public School

Telephone02 9835 1756


Home activities

Click on the links below to find games and activities to do at home with your children. We will continue to add to this page with activities for Literacy, Numeracy, Science, and more. We hope you find this helpful. If you have anything you would like to see here, please email the school with your suggestions! 

Premier's Spelling Bee

2021 Premier's Spelling Bee word lists can be accessed through the website below. Ask your teacher for the password!


Maths games to play

Cross out

Write the numbers 2-12 on a piece of paper.

Take turns to roll two dice and add the dice together.

Cross out the total on your piece of paper. The first player with all numbers crossed out is the winner!

Take 100

Each player begins with 100 points.

In turn, roll a dice and subtract the number from 100. The first player to reach 0 is the winner!