Hassall Grove Public School

Telephone02 9835 1756


Getting to and from school safely

Getting your child to and from school is your responsibility – however your child's school wants this to happen safely every day.

Pick the safest way to school and practise travelling the route with your child, talking about how to be a safe road user.

Keep our school community safe by:

  • always holding your child’s hand when walking on the footpath, in the car park and when crossing the road
  • ensuring your child is in a booster seat
  • driving and parking safely, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school
  • being a good role model
  • never calling your child from across the road
  • using the safest place to cross the road
  • meeting and dropping your child on the school side of the road.

Share this information with your child’s carers such as grandparents, nannies and friends who may be taking your child to or from school.
